Blog – Our Stories and Others

Ashling Park scoops trophy for Best Pinot Noir in the UK

Ashling Park scoops trophy for Best Pinot Noir in the UK

The south coast of England might not traditionally be associated with red wines, but Ashling Park is changing that perception by winning the award for the Best Still Pinot Noir in the UK at the Wine GB awards. This accolade is particularly notable given the record...

Your Ultimate Gin Making Experience at Ashling Park’s Gin School

Your Ultimate Gin Making Experience at Ashling Park’s Gin School

We started our gin making experience started at the beginning of last year and it’s proving a sure hit with the pupils. As classes go, this is one you wouldn’t have wanted to bunk off school. Our gin making experience is great fun whether it’s a group booking, or want...

We’ve only gone and done it again

We’ve only gone and done it again

For the 2nd year running, we scooped the President's trophy for the ‘Best Classic Cuvée NV’ at the Wine GB Awards, the highly regarded championships for the industry. Andrew Wilson of WBC Packaging who sponsor the awards, came to present us with the Trophy. Each year...

First bee inspection

First bee inspection

There's been a hive of activity going on over the past week, excuse the pun. Our beekeeper Stuart carried out his Spring Inspection in the first hive. He was checking that the brood is growing nicely and have food stores, (back to the teenagers who I mentioned in my...

Wrapping, Tying Down and Cultivating

Wrapping, Tying Down and Cultivating

The vines are now my new babies as mine are growing up fast. We watch each vine eagerly develop. They are just starting to wake after their winter snooze, similar to my teenagers but the vines don’t argue back! As the ground temperatures warmed up and the sap started...

Pruning and Pulling Out

Pruning and Pulling Out

With a nation obsessed by the weather (I’m guilty of that). I thought it's time to show you what's happening on the vineyard during these cold and wet months. Many of you may have had a sprinkling of snow in the last week, but our vineyard didn’t see a flake. Even if...

Looking forward to 2021

Looking forward to 2021

In the space of five minutes parents everywhere changed their mind about doing dry January, ahh, another lockdown. Yes it’s pretty pants, but with the vaccines now on their way, boy have we got a lot of making up to do. Once restrictions are truly done, I declare that...

Looking back at 2020, thanks for your support

Looking back at 2020, thanks for your support

I’m a ‘glass half full’ kinda girl (contents being Ashling Park of course) so I’m not going to dwell on the woes of 2020. I’m digging deep for positives and sticking two fingers up to Covid. Looking Back at our Best Bits Let’s start with our fantastic Zoom interview...

The Portal Wine Club: The history behind the name

The Portal Wine Club: The history behind the name

As we launch our new wine club Ashling Park pays homage to one man’s dedication to the nation. Viscount Lord Portal is very centric to Ashling Park and his crest sits gallantly on our neck labels, as our vineyard thrives on the land which was once the Air Marshal’s...

Wine critics who love us too

Oz Clarke OBE, wine expert and Britain’s most popular wine writer
Susie Atkins, wine expert and award-winning wine and drinks writer
Jancis Robinson OBE – journalist and wine writer for the Financial Times, and, updated daily
Jamie Goode, well-respected author, and wine columnist for the Sunday Express

Stephen Skelton, Master of Wine

Terry Kirby, wine columnist for The Independent
Rose Murray Brown, Master of Wine and wine columnist for The Scotsman

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